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Lady Sylvia H. Harris


Sylvia H. Harris


Sylvia Harris, affectionately called "Lady", was born October 20, 1943 to Evelyn Dickerson and Andrew Boyd. Lady is a graduate of the legendary Maggie L. Walker High School.  She also extended her studies at Virginia Union and University of Richmond.  She later received her bachelors in Pastoral Counseling and Church Administration from Logos Christian College. In 2008, Lady received her masters in Christian Counseling from Regency Christian College. Her genuine love for souls has gifted her with a powerful ministry and a special anointing to counsel and teach inner healing to the spiritually and emotionally scarred. 



Lady, the daughter of a single mother, abandoned by her father, was raised by the late Elizabeth Hagens, who is the founder of Highway Christian Church of Christ where Minister James F. Harris was a minister.  Minister James and Minister Will, Sr. used to pick up her grandmother for church.  This was the start of the friendship between “Big Jimmy” and “Lil Syl”.  Through his strong persuasion of Jesus, Sylvia received the precious gift of the Holy Spirit on May 27, 1962.  On August 25, of that same year, 1962, James and Sylvia were married. 


Not long after, in September of 1969, Elder Harris, at the age of 25,  received the call to pastor.  Upon hearing the news, Sylvia cried for two weeks. God began to speak to her heart and reassure her of his ability to care for her.  After her reassurance, Sylvia dived into ministry.  She became the Choir Director, Church Secretary, Sunday School Teacher and Missionary Leader.  In the community, she saw a need to minister to children and an outreach opportunity.  Living by faith, Sylvia, quit her job and through much struggle they started Highway Memorial Temple Daycare in 1979.  That same year, Elder James, became Bishop increasing the demands on her family and ministry.  They constantly traveled highways helping other churches within the organization.   Sylvia maintained a good balance of church, home, and business.  In 1981, Allen Bryant, the church musician, had the first First Lady’s Day to honor Sylvia for her commitment to ministry.  She used the proceeds to further the ministry.  Her first priority was submission to her husband.  Though she had no example, she used the Bible for all aspects of her life.  To submit to her husband, she used  (I Cori. 7).   To raise God-fearing children, she used (Prov).  It was her desire that her children treat the House of God with a sacred respect.  Until they were older, they could only sit in front or beside her.  Any form of disrespect or play got them a pinch, a smack or a switch.  And she never skipped a beat praising God.  Because her husband was a person of trust, responsibility and gave her security and her children were God-fearing she was able to balance and fulfill her obligations in ministry.


Lady is also very meticulous in all of her ways.  She was the first black secretary at the Attorney General’s Office.  She served on the Boy Scouts of America. She also became an entrepreneur in the early facets of her life and continues to start new successful ventures. 


Sylvia and Dr. Harris have always been people of great hospitality.  Their home was a revolving door.  It was known as the “Harris Hotel”. She wanted to instill the same security in which she found in her God-given family.  Those who visited, loved the comfort and atmosphere of the Harris Hotel.  She was and is a great cook!  She fed them, clothed them, counseled them, took them on job interviews, footed the bill for conventions (explaining sacrifice to their children),You name it! They did it!


In the 90’s, Lady became Co-Pastor of Redeemed Assembly of Jesus Christ. She works tirelessly at Bishop's side promulgating the Word of God to those who are lost and encouraging the saints of God. 

As the First Lady and Co-Pastor, she encountered and overcame great obstacles.  She’s fought through ostracism. She’s fought through feelings of abandoment. She’s fought through mis-judgements.  She fought through!    Through it all, she remained faithful to her husband, family and God and continues to press.


Her direct and dynamic speaking ability goes straight to the heart of her audience.  She has ministered nationally and internationally in conferences, retreats, revivals, and in the trenches of Africa.  She speaks with authority and her very presence demands respect.  She operates with clear discernment and accurate prophecy.  Her gift of healing speaks to the spirit, soul, and body.  Her strong faith leaves all that come into her presence with a sense of confidence that it will happen! 


 Pastor Harris developed and executed the Ladies’ Ministry of Redeemed Assembly now called “Ladies in Transition.  The central focus of this ministry is to nurture, develop, equip and disciple principles and excellence to ladies of all walks of life. This organization has changed and turned around the lives of many ladies.  She has personally taken young ladies in her home, dressed them, fed them, and walked them through the stages of a lady.  Pastor Sylvia lives to ensure that young ladies can live their best lives regardless of their past. She is a mother to all entrusted to her care.   Living and exemplifying the true nature of a virtuous woman, Lady, with her loving nature and work ethic continues to change the lives of ladies across the country.


She has served as H.U.G. Director and the founder of RAJCA’s original childcare center, which has been in operation for over 23 years. 


Her strongest desire is to see God’s House in order, souls filled with the Holy Spirit and His people reach their destinies.



Lady is the mother of four daughters, Alicia Morris, E. Denise Wilson, Danielle Branch, and Tione Thorne. Four son in laws, Franklin Morris, Frank Wilson, Delmar Branch and Atron Thorne.  She is the grandmother of five talented grand-children, Micheal, Ashley, Tre,  Lauren and Little Justin and three great-grands, Jahtavious, Kanyla, and Elijah. 


Thank you Lady for giving your family, and Redeemed Assembly your life!

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